Jenn & Mike – Running Hare Vineyard Wedding

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Jenn & Mike – Running Hare Vineyard Wedding

Jenn and Mike clearly adore each other. I love their how-we-met story, because it has the “we met online” tagline I hear quite often these days, except with a catch: Mike thought Jenn was trying to catfish him. So he hid in the bushes on their first date to get a better look at Jenn and make sure she was real. Needless to say, she was a little shocked and confused to see him pop out of the shrubbery to greet her! Something must have caught her attention, because they’ve been together ever since. I unknowingly recreated the hiding-in-the-bushes theme with quite a few of my photos, so that worked out well. 🙂

Ceremony was at their local church in North Beach (St. Anthony’s Catholic Church), followed by a reception at the beautiful Running Hare Vineyard.

1 Comment

  1. Brea says:

    I love that you literally have a bridal party shot where they’re jumping out of the bushes 😂😂😂

    So much about this wedding rocks! I was confused by the first ceremony shot from the balcony, thinking it was a cool photo technique and then I realized that’s just the church! I love all of their portraits and the party looks like a blast!

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